Academic Programming Grade 1-6

Academic Programming

Advanced Academic Programming Grades K - 6

Our JJ Nearing Learning Framework provides our staff with clear direction, pathways and a shared purpose to achieve our goal of providing students with multiple opportunities for Deep Learning. This will foster and allow students to be more creative, critical thinkers, communicators and collaborators. Our JJN Learning Framework provides the pathway for a more competency based, student as inquirer and creator model of education. By encouraging cross curricular and multimodal opportunities (print, visual, digital) we are confident that we will engage students in higher-level thinking and more rigorous authentic learning opportunities. We will also provide students with engaging opportunities in dynamic and complimentary option choices. 

Grade 4-6

At the grade 4-6 level teaching staff will implement Inquiry and Project Based Learning as one of the primary methods to engage students in the Alberta Program of Studies.  This will provide multiple opportunities for differentiation so that students have opportunities to enrich and extend their learning through real world projects and cross-curricular activities. Our programming will challenge students to engage in higher level learning and provide them with more choice and voice in their learning.

Students will have diverse Career and Technology Foundation (CTF) choices and other option choices through Dynamic options.

Students in grade 4 - 6 will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of courses that will take advantage of a woods construction lab, foods and fashion lab, design lab, art room, music room and vibrant learning commons with state of the art technologies. Students will select one Dynamic option that will be offered twice a week for a term lasting about 1/3 of the school year. (3 Dynamic Options throughout the year). Options are dependant upon enrolment and human and budget resources.


Students have the opportunity to participate in Recreation Academy program.(enrollment is limited and requires extra fees)