About Us

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Marina Lotoski, Principal
Darren Skalski, Vice Principal

Our Patron Saint:
Saint Therese de Lisieux- "Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way."

JJN School Mission:
Excellence in Learning through Faith, Relationships and Engagement.

JJN Student Motto:
"Echo the Spirit"

JJN Mascot:
Echo the Dolphin

Grade and Enrolment:
Kindergarten - Grade 6
385 students

School Office Hours:
Our helpful secretarial staff are in the office daily from 8:15 am to 3:45 pm.
* With the teacher's permission, students may use the student phone located inside the office to call home.  As well, all our classrooms have phones for our students to use.

Division Notice

Registration for transportation is open!

Please visit the Transportation website to learn more: https://www.gsacrd.ab.ca/transportation